5 Best Technology Companies in Tampa

Are you one of the millions of Americans who lost a job due to state-mandated business closings during the current pandemic? If so, then you already know just how difficult it has been for many jobseekers to find their way back into the workforce. In far too many areas of the country, lockdowns continue to sideline many jobseekers.
Many unemployed Americans have gotten around those lockdowns by switching careers or moving to other states or cities. That latter option is increasingly popular, as jobseekers discover that the tech sector in cities like Tampa has come through the worst of the economic downturn relatively unfazed. In fact, many technology companies are now actively seeking to expand their employee base. If you are willing to move to find a job, then this list of the best technology companies in Tampa can help kickstart your job search efforts.
Also, be sure to check out these sample resumes for technology-related jobs. Just click on any of the images below to view the resume example and gain access to our downloadable resume template and helpful tips.

Expert Tip
View 200+ more professional resume samples for all industries, along with a guide to writing resumes from our career experts.
5 Best Technology Companies in San Antonio
1. Greenway Health

Greenway Health provides its clients with health information technologies that integrate health records, revenue management, and other healthcare management concerns. The company employs 1,700 people who receive competitive compensation while working in a patient-centric environment.
2. Cornerstone

Cornerstone provides software solutions that are designed to help companies streamline their business practices. The company employs around 100 people, who enjoy competitive salaries, benefits, and a creative, mission-oriented work environment.

AVI-SPL provides audio video technologies and managed services to its clients, including video conference, digital media, and security solutions. The company employs 1,500 people, who receive industry-standard compensation, benefits, and perks.
4. Netwolves

Netwolves is a leading provider of enterprise information technology solutions, offering its clients everything from network connectivity services to cloud, managed IT, and security. The company’s 120 employees enjoy a focused, mission-driven work environment and competitive compensation.
Visit Netwolves
5. Engage Technologies

Engage Technologies provides agency back office software platform services that improve collaboration between agencies, hiring personnel, and workers. The company’s 175 employees enjoy industry-standard salaries and benefits.
Unlike many states, Florida adopted a light regulatory touch regarding forced business lockdowns. As a result, there are many companies like these that may be looking to expand and hire new employees. If you have been looking for a position in the tech industry and are willing to move to Tampa or the surrounding area, then this could be the perfect time to jump back into the workforce.
Good luck with your job search!