Get a Free Resume Review

Is your resume working?

Find out with a free review from a resume expert.

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"Helps job seekers of all levels to create and optimize resumes.”

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“Optimizes your resume to get through the applicant tracking system.”

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850+ 5 star reviews

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“They have reviewed and improved hundreds of CVs, helping clients land interviews.”

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“Their technology-based services set themselves apart from the competition.”

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How It works

Free resume review. Expert feedback. 48 hours.

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ZipJob expert reviews it

One of our certified resume experts will take a look at your resume and custom ATS report.

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We'll send you a comprehensive critique in 48 hours or less.

What to Expect

What does your resume say about you?

Your comprehensive ZipJob resume review will include the topics hiring managers and recruiters care about. Here are some of the things the professionals look for:

  • Style and organization

  • Achievement impact

  • Professional summary

  • ATS legibility

  • Industry readability

  • Valued-focused

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Tech Enabled

We make sure your resume won’t get lost in the stack.

Virtually all employers use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to collect and organize the 250+ resumes submitted for each average job posting. Only the top 25% of submitted resumes will be reviewed by a human.

One in 4 People

Only 1 in 4 job applicants will have their resumes read by an actual person.

Source: Forbes

Frequently asked questions

Who will be reviewing my resume?

Our US-based resume experts are experienced and specially trained to review resumes. That means they are committed to providing honest, objective feedback. And if your resume doesn't need any improvement, they'll let you know.

During your resume review, the following aspects will be assessed:

  1. ATS compatibility

  2. Keywords & phrases

  3. Formatting & design

  4. Achievements & metrics

  5. Spelling & grammar

  6. Relevance & clarity

  7. Length & conciseness

Your free, comprehensive resume review will be sent to you in just 48 hours.

Virtually all employers in the US and Canada are using some sort of Applicant Tracking System as part of their hiring process. 75% of resumes are never read by the person in charge of hiring. Often, these candidates are qualified for the job but are rejected due to formatting or optimization errors.

There's no catch. We'll give you some no-charge feedback on your resume and then, if you're interested, you can hire one of our professional writers to take your application to the next level. There's no obligation, no hidden fees, and your information is never shared.

Get a free resume review from a Zipjob expert.