How to Apply for Jobs Online | 7 Tips and Hacks to Get More Interviews

In many ways, job-seeking is much the same as it has been for decades. Resumes, applications, and in-person interviews are still as important as ever. The rise of the internet has added another critical component to any job search effort, however. These days, you typically don’t need to be out on the streets knocking down doors to find a job. Instead, you can often find the ideal job just be applying online. The question is, though: do you know how to apply for jobs online? These 7 tips and hacks can help you get more interviews and land that perfect job.
Why You Need to Know How to Apply for Jobs Online
Far too many job candidates think that they can get away with minimal effort while applying for a job. Some approach the process as though the right job will just come to them if they get their name out into cyberspace. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. You need to work to find the right job, regardless of whether you’re applying in person or starting the process via the internet. To be effective, you need the right tips to ensure that you get the most from your efforts.
#1 - Get Your Resume in Order

Your resume is the key to getting your foot in the door when you’re searching for a job online. You need to make sure that you have it ready to go before you start applying, since you’ll be submitting it with each application. Make sure that your resume is flexible to accommodate different employer needs. Review your employment history, skill sets, and other resume information to ensure that it accurately reflects your worth as a potential new hire. Update any old information, and create a cover letter that you can easily modify for each submission.
#2 - Clean Up Your Social Media

Social media can be a real job search killer these days. Hiring managers often review a candidate’s social media sites, and can be put off by unprofessional posts or other strange online behavior. If you have questionable postings on your accounts, remove them before you begin your job search. Review image, video, and text accounts to ensure that your personal brand is as positive as can be.
#3 - Don’t Forget that LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn may not be the most popular social media platform, but it’s a powerful job search tool. You should make sure that you have a profile on the site, and actively use it to reach out to others in your chosen industry. LinkedIn can be a great way to expand your network and gain access to job offers and interviews that you might otherwise struggle to obtain. We wrote a good post on writing the perfect LinkedIn profile here.
#4 - Create Job Site Accounts and Upload Your Resume

There are a host of job sites out there, and you should be actively participating on them. Set up your own accounts and establish notification schedules so that you receive new job postings daily. You can use the sites’ job categories to help narrow your search. You may only need to register with one or two of these sites, but you should make sure to do that as early in your job search as possible.
You should also upload your resume various job boards to have hiring managers and recruiters find you. Many use these large resume databases to find candidates so make sure your resume is up there. We made a list of the top sites to upload your resume to here.
#5 - Expand Your Job Search Horizons

Don’t just wait for those job sites to send leads to you, however. To maximize your effort, you should expand your parameters to include other online resources. Job search engines allow you to pull up jobs based on certain keywords – like industries, positions, or even skills. There are search tools that can help you to find jobs posted in newspapers and company websites. You won’t want to apply for every job you find, but you will be able to choose from a wider selection of options.
#6 - Follow Company Instructions for How to Apply for Jobs Online

The quickest way to lose out on a job application is to fail to follow the instructions. Before you apply for any job online, make sure that you thoroughly read the application instructions and then follow them to the letter. Pay attention to the details, submit only perfectly proofread application materials, and provide all requested documents as directed.
#7 - Follow Up on Your Applications

You might be applying online, but that doesn’t mean that the old rules for following up on job opportunities no longer apply. Don’t just sit around waiting for someone to email you an offer. You should follow up to each resume submission you apply to. For particularly attractive positions, you may even want to follow up by phone. You can even try to link up with contact people from the company using LinkedIn. Show some initiative, and let them know that you’re a serious candidate.

How to Apply for Jobs Online - Putting it All Together
The single most important thing to remember is that the internet is not a substitute for the job search process. Instead, it is a powerful tool that can help to increase your odds of finding that perfect job. By focusing on these tips and working daily to submit resumes and applications, you can eventually break down the barriers between you and your dream job. Just treat your online job search like a job, and those efforts will help you land that new position.