Change Your Life with Monk Mode in Just a Week

Say goodbye to distractions and level up with these monk mode habits!
The modern world is fraught with distractions. From social media to endless messages, there are plenty of things that take up our attention. But what if you could block it all out and focus on self-development and increased productivity? The answer could be monk mode. In this post, we will explore what that is, look at the core monk mode habits, and help you get started.
What is monk mode?
Monk mode is not a new idea, of course. The concept has existed for over a decade and was once very popular among young business owners.
You can challenge yourself by using monk mode habits. The aim is to isolate your focus on a singular goal while eliminating as many distractions as possible. You need to commit fully to the process. Do this for just one week, and you should start to notice a real difference.
The monastic lifestyle
Let’s go back to basics. Monk mode becomes clearer when you consider that the term itself clearly refers to the monastic lifestyle. Throughout history, various religious ascetics have devoted themselves to the singular pursuit of their faith.
To accomplish this, they isolate themselves from much of the world, effectively eliminating all distractions that might otherwise draw their attention away from their studies, meditation, and religious practice.
You can use monk mode to pursue fitness goals, learn a new skill, or increase your effectiveness at work. Of course, you probably won’t be able to isolate yourself in some remote location completely, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t reduce distractions. It just means that you’ll need an effective strategy to focus your attention on your goal.
Does monk mode really work?
The short answer is yes – monk mode works. That is why it’s commonly used, in one form or another, in various enterprises throughout society. So, what are some examples of monk mode?
Well, professional football training camps are designed to isolate players and focus their attention on training, nutrition, and other objectives that are crucial to athletic success. Additionally, NASA astronauts are subjected to isolation when they train for space missions.
By engaging in monk mode, these organizations can ensure that their personnel are able to function at their highest level of potential. While you may not be training for a pro sports event or going into outer space, you can use monk mode habits, too.
Benefits of using monk mode habits
So, what benefits can you expect from a real commitment to monk mode? If you’re serious about it and focus on the mental and physical things you need to do to achieve your goals, then you can expect to enjoy a wide variety of benefits, including:
Peace. A greater sense of peace and contentment as you spend time focused only on things that really matter. Without distraction, you can truly focus.
Better sleep. Since you will enjoy reduced stress and a better sense of balance in your life, you should find that this has a knock-on effect on your sleep.
Physical and mental health. This is partly due to stress reduction, but if you include more physical activity in your life then that will obviously be a major factor too.
Enhanced clarity. As you reconnect to life without distractions, you will start to feel clearer. This can also include a better understanding of just how much time you waste on distractions each day.
Disadvantages of monk mode habits
Of course, there are downsides to everything, and monk mode is no exception. Before you consider incorporating these monk mode habits into your life, you should look at the disadvantages. Here are two of the downfalls that you may encounter.
It’s challenging. The biggest problem, of course, is that modern life can make it difficult to even begin to practice monk mode. The world is a busy, noisy place with an endless stream of distractions vying for our attention. At first, you will likely find this hard.
It can be lonely. You might also find that you can get lonely when you try to isolate yourself. That’s especially true if your job and home life involve other people always being around you. You may need to have discussions with people before you start.
As you can see, the downsides to monk mode are not major. When you get started with your monk mode schedule, you will learn how to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way.
How to create a monk mode schedule: 7 steps to success
Before you try to implement monk mode in your life, it’s important to have a plan. The following steps can help you to ensure that you don’t set yourself up for failure as you prepare to conduct your own monk challenge. Here’s what you should do:
Step 1: Assess your life right now
Do an honest assessment to determine the intensity of your monk mode effort. Can you even begin to separate yourself from every distraction in your life for a week? How about a month? Are you prepared to focus on your goal intensely for that period of time, while cutting yourself off from enjoyable habits that might prove to be distractions?
Step 2: Know your limitations
As you decide on your intensity, be aware of your own limitations. Can you spend weeks at a time intensely focused on one goal, or are you more likely to give up or slack off at some point during the process? Make sure that your goals align with your personality and capabilities. In general, it’s often best to start with a more modest approach for a limited time.
Step 3: Set a realistic goal
Set your goal, but make sure that it’s realistic. What do you want to achieve? Are you hoping to learn new work skills, improve your fitness, or master a piece of technology? Choose your purpose before you start, and create a plan to help you to achieve that objective.
Step 4: Create your master plan
How will you achieve your goal? Your plan should include a step-by-step roadmap to success that includes all of the habits and activities you’ll need to reach your goal. Be as specific as you can here. Steps may include setting aside time to read self-help books or to engage in daily meditation, exercise, or mindfulness practices.
Step 5: Include exercise time
While most of your monk mode efforts will be devoted to mental activities, make sure that you include more physical exercise, too. Physical activity is vital for ensuring that your mind gets the rest it needs and is a vital tool for reducing stress. More importantly, it can help ensure that achieving your goal doesn’t come at the expense of your physical health and well-being.
Step 6: Adopt monk mode habits
Follow the monk mode habits. As you might expect, these rules can vary, depending on who you ask, but typically include several core requirements. First, make sure that your plan commits you to do certain set activities while removing a set of identifiable distractions and bad habits. Give yourself a set start date and end date for your monk mode effort, and identify a list of rules you can use to govern yourself during that time.
Step 7: Hold yourself accountable
Finally, you need to hold yourself accountable. While that is not easy, there are methods you can use to help you out. You may want to track your progress, get an accountability partner, or even use an app. Decide what approach works best for you and your lifestyle.
15 monk mode habits to adopt now
Ready to start using this secret weapon? If you have already created your monk mode schedule, it’s time to start employing some of the core monk mode habits, as follows:
1. ‘Switch off’ for a week
If this is your first time practicing monk mode, it may be advisable to limit your monastic period to no more than one week. During this period, you should ‘switch off’ from all distractions.
Once you have successfully applied these principles for a short period of time, you may find that you can increase that timeframe to several months. You may even decide to implement the practice for shorter periods of time, but on a more frequent basis.
2. Make your goal specific
Make sure that you’ve defined your goal in absolute terms. If your goal is too vague, it will be almost impossible to track progress or recognize success.
Pick one objective at a time, to ensure you’re able to devote 100% of your focus to that goal. For example, you may want to focus on meeting a sales target or an important project.
3. Identify your distractions
What is holding you back from reaching your goal? One of the main monk mode habits is to identify your distractions. Do you check your email several times an hour or visit social media sites throughout your day?
When you have figured out what is draining your time, eliminate it. For example, if you spend hours a day on TikTok, temporarily delete the app. If you message your friends 24/7, let them know that you will need to take a break for the upcoming week.
Expert Tip
Be reasonable about your distractions
Some distractions – like work phone calls, vital meetings, and client interactions – are likely to be unavoidable in most instances. However, it’s also likely that most of the things that distract you throughout the day can be managed with a little foresight and effort.
4. Plan the tasks that need to be done
Create a clear schedule of tasks that you need to perform to move toward your goal. Use some form of calendar or planner that can help you to visualize what needs to be done, the progress you are making, and how close you are getting to achieving your objective.
5. Develop healthier habits
Get rid of as many bad habits as you can, even those that you engage in during your off-hours. You should try to remain focused and mindful of your goal during your time away from work.
To achieve that, avoid unnecessary television viewing, gaming, and social activities while committing to monk mode. Replace them with a new emphasis on healthier eating, exercise, meditation, reading, and other positive activities.
6. Make it official
Put everything in writing. If it helps, create a contract with yourself that provides clear terms for your goals, elimination of distractions, and self-imposed consequences for failure. Try to keep it positive, though, by including a reward that you can give yourself once you succeed.
7. Find a partner
While monk mode is a solitary goal, you can get external help. Create accountability by letting at least one other person know what you’re trying to achieve. This will make it easier for you to motivate yourself, especially if it's a person whose opinion you value.
Expert Tip
Tell people you’re doing ‘monk mode’
On a more practical note, you should probably inform all significant people in your life, so they’re not alarmed by any serious changes in your lifestyle during your time in monk mode.
8. Start journaling
Make a journal. You can write about your feelings, thoughts, and ideas during your time in monk mode, to help you to better process your experiences and reflect on what you’re learning about yourself. Since no one else will read your journal, you can feel free to express yourself in the most honest terms possible.
9. Prep your work environment
Ensure that your work environment is conducive to success in monk mode. Shut down any unnecessary tabs on your computer, including news sites, social media, and similar distractions.
Use an auto-reply to manage your email so that you don’t feel compelled to continually check it throughout the day. Turn off your smartphone notifications and delete unnecessary apps.
10. One thing at a time
Take steps to avoid multitasking. The dirty little secret is that very few human beings are capable of performing more than one task at a time.
Once you get into monk mode and start devoting your attention to one main goal, you’ll quickly realize how much more productive you are when your attention isn’t divided.
11. Measure to manage
Track your progress daily. That’s an essential component of good management of time and effort. In fact, if you’re not measuring your progress, then you aren’t truly managing your work.
12. Take regular breaks
Set aside time for planned breaks and rest to avoid burnout. Of course, that rest activity should not include those distractions that you decided to eliminate. Instead, you should use that time to recharge your batteries by engaging in some light stretching, exercise, or meditation.
13. Prioritize sleep
Throughout your monk mode effort, you need to commit to a regular schedule for sleep. Go to bed at a regular time and get up on schedule each day. You should also make sure that you stay away from digital screens, which can disrupt sleep patterns.
14. Forgive your shortcomings
You are human, and you might mess up. This type of isolated approach to goals can be difficult for anyone, so there may be times when you feel as though you’re failing in your efforts. If lapses happen, you may want to give yourself a few hours off from your monk mode challenge.
Remember that monk mode is supposed to help you to improve productivity and achieve an objective. If the isolation or intensity becomes too much to bear, take a break to regain your bearings. Remember, this is just a tool. It doesn’t have to be a prison.
15. Celebrate your victories
As important as it is to forgive your failures, it’s equally vital that you celebrate your wins. Be sure to praise yourself when you achieve your objectives, both small and large.
That type of positive reinforcement can help to enhance your motivation and encourage you to push yourself to achieve even more. Keep going and working toward your goals.
Final words
For most people, the ability to achieve any goal is often directly tied to their ability to focus on the tasks needed to meet that objective. Unfortunately, life’s many distractions can often make it difficult to find the right level of intensity needed to find that focus.
Used effectively, monk mode can be a great option for eliminating distractions and bad habits so that you can gain the focus you need to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.
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This article was originally written by Ken Chase and has been updated by Charlotte Grainger.