Please Find Attached My Resume: How to Use This Phrase

Whether you’re submitting a written job application, applying online, or using email, employers usually expect to see an attachment with your resume or cover letter. However, you should still include a brief sentence that lets the hiring manager know that it’s been sent; it’s considered both polite and proper.
That’s partially why the phrase “please find attached my resume” is so popular. At a glance, this phrase looks professional, effective, and brief. In reality, it’s overused and often makes recipients roll their eyes. If you received hundreds or thousands of emails with the same cliché phrase, you’d probably roll your eyes too!
We all want our job applications to stand out and leave a positive impression. As a result, most people spend a great deal of time focused on their skills, experience, and other critical details that showcase their qualifications and competencies. And that’s right. The goal, after all, is to present yourself as the best candidate for the job. However, it’s all too easy to overlook the small details that employers really appreciate.
While noting that an email attachment is one of those seemingly minor details that can help you appear professional, there are also wrong ways to communicate that you’ve attached your resume and cover letter. This article will teach you how to use – or rather, how not to use – the phrase, “Please find attached my resume.”
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When to use the phrase “Please find attached my resume”
There are certain scenarios when you’ll find yourself in the position of sending off your resume, so let’s nail those circumstances right here, right now!
When applying for a job
This is probably the most obvious time when you’ll have to write “please find attached my resume.” It gives a clear message to the hiring manager of what you’ve included in your application. You could even indicate that you’ve also enclosed a cover letter by writing “attached are my cover letter and resume.”
Look at it from the recruiter’s point of view. They’re having to sift through hundreds of applications – some with resumes, some not – so to have this phrase in your application could make the difference between you getting a callback or not.
When replying to an invitation to interview
Well done. You’ve landed an interview. If you haven’t done so already, now is the time to send in your resume. An invitation to go for an interview demonstrates the fact that the organization is interested in you and what you have to offer. You can preempt them by sending in your resume, which shows initiative and a proactive approach – key qualities that will work in your favor.
The simple phrase “please find attached my resume” will make sure they don’t miss out on the extra detail you’re supplying them, plus they’ll have all your information in hand once the interview comes around.
When submitting a cover letter
Some applications require a cover letter, while others don’t. Make sure you follow the rules of each job application to the letter. If it does require a cover letter, you can say, “Attached is my cover letter and resume,” to make it perfectly clear what you’re including in your application.
A cover letter should be tailored to each application and should be a precise and well-written summary of your skills and experience, with a call to action so that if the recruiter is interested, he or she will reach for your resume straight away.
When asking for a professional recommendation
A professional recommendation from someone you respect and hold in high regard is paramount to your success in nailing your next dream job. So choose wisely. You want them to sing your praises and detail your worth.
So get off on the right foot by sending your resume to your chosen professional with the words “please find attached my resume.” They can then use the information from your resume to craft their recommendation.
The problem with using “Please find attached my resume”
There are a whole host of bad ways to say “attached resume” in a cover letter or email. Some are just grammatically incorrect, while others are antiquated holdovers from a bygone era. The following examples should be avoided at all costs:
The original
“Please find attached my resume.”
While many job seekers still rely on this traditional grammatical construction, it can come across as outdated to potential employers today.
The creative punctuation: colon edition
“Please find attached: my resume.”
This alternative construction tries to get around the formality of the first choice by adding a colon into the mix. Unfortunately, this change in punctuation doesn’t make it sound any less stilted and also looks wrong.
The creative punctuation: comma edition
“Please find, attached, my resume.”
While this might seem more grammatically correct, the added commas make the sentence unwieldy and clumsy. In addition, it lacks the clarity that a more direct statement of fact could provide.
The detached approach
“Please find attached resume.”
Some people go so far as to remove the possessive from the sentence. As you can see, it’s certainly not an improvement.
There are probably hundreds of other examples of poor sentence construction, but you get the idea by now. Many job seekers are so drawn to the words “please find attached” that they never bother to consider how it sounds. Forget about using those words in that order. There are better ways to express the same idea.
Key Takeaway
Try to avoid overly formal, archaic expressions when mentioning your attached resume. Instead, use clear, direct sentences.
The Best Way to Announce that Your Resume is Attached
The fact is, there are many ways to say that you’ve sent your resume along with a job application or cover letter. The key is to avoid archaic grammar and odd punctuation. You should consider the direct approach – after all, you’re not writing a poem or the next great American novel.
Expert Tip
Cover letters help your job application stand out to a hiring manager. Here's what a good cover letter looks like.
Let’s explore the best “please find attached my resume” alternatives.
“I have attached my resume for your consideration”
This phrase is direct, yet professional. It shows that you attached your resume and avoids the passive construction of the tired phrase, “Please find attached.” By letting the hiring manager know you’ve attached your resume to an email using this phrase, you give them something new that they don’t have on 100 other emails but are still being clear in what you want them to do.
“My resume is attached for your consideration”
It may seem that this statement is repetitive of the previous one, but it’s more personable. It still clearly states that you are sending them your resume and drives home the straightforward point that you want them to take a look at it.
“I have included my resume for your review”
By using the word “included” instead of “attached,” you are making a subtle change that effectively lets the recipient know you’re sending your resume. This simple change can make the difference in the hiring manager thinking you’re one of a hundred similar resume submissions. You don’t have to invent a new way of speaking to show that you’re different from the other candidates.
“My resume has been included for your review”
This is a slightly more formal way to indicate that your resume is being sent as part of the message you’re sending. Again, the use of the word “included” is apt for sending your resume, especially since it would be useful in both digital and non-digital communication.
“I attach my resume for your review”
When you use this phrase instead of “Please find attached my resume,” you are writing in a more engaging, user-friendly tone. Put simply, this is how people talk. This use of active language helps make your message clearer and creates a positive impression that encourages the recipient to do what you want them to do.
“You will find my resume attached”
With “You will find my resume attached,” you’re heading back to the more formal side of speaking/writing. It’s also an assertive and confident way to let your readers know that they should take a look at your resume because it makes the assumption that they want to. So, use this one when you’re trying to convey a high level of professionalism.
That’s just a small sampling, of course. There are many alternatives that you could use to deliver the same message. The idea is to convey your qualifications in a direct manner, so you should strive for maximum clarity. Avoid stilted sentence constructions that are now seen as old-fashioned just because they might seem “more professional.”
Focus on simplifying your sentences. Doing this can help you avoid appearing outdated or unprofessional, as it puts the focus back on your impressive resume and cover letter, which is where it should be!
The smallest change can have the biggest impact
On the surface, concerns about how to mention your attached resume might seem minor. However, the devil’s in the details, and it’s those small details that can make an application stand out to potential employers.
By taking the time to focus on these types of details, you can set yourself apart from the crowd. And doing that will put you one step closer to landing that dream job!
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This article was originally written by Elizabeth Openshaw. It was updated by Marsha Hebert.