New Valentine’s Day Survey Reveals Most Employees Have a Wandering Eye: Here’s How to Avoid Getting Caught “Cheating” While Quietly Job-Searching

In both dating and job seeking, it's all about finding the right match — that special someone who shares your values, appreciates your strengths, and supports your long-term goals. However, whereas most experts discourage individuals from jumping from one relationship to another, career experts advise professionals to quietly line up their next employer before breaking things off with their current one.
ZipJob, a leading resume-writing service, decided to find out if professionals are actually putting this advice into practice when their work relationships sour. Its recent Valentine’s Day survey results revealed that most employees who recently quit their jobs already had another one lined up — exposing they were job-seeking on the sly while still fully employed. Of those U.S. career-driven professionals surveyed who quit their jobs in 2023, 68% admitted to quietly searching for a new job — and landing it — before breaking up with their current employer.
“Although the best time to look for a job is when you don't need one, looking for work while you’re still employed can be a logistical nightmare if you’re not careful — and can cost you both jobs if you’re caught," said Amanda Augustine, career expert for ZipJob and a certified professional career coach (CPCC). “Our Valentine's Day survey proves that most professionals who quit their jobs tend to quietly job search on the sly, so their next opportunity is already lined up. While remote and hybrid work arrangements certainly make it easier to stealthily look for other work, it’s important to conduct your confidential job search with care.”
How do you successfully — and quietly — look for a job while still employed? Below are five tips that Augustine recommends:
Make it personal. Create a new private email address that’s dedicated to your job-search communications, and stick to using your personal devices for job-related activities
Work incognito: If you must rely on company equipment (e.g., smartphone, tablet, laptop) for your search, use private browsing or incognito mode in your web browser to prevent your search history from being saved.
Update LinkedIn strategically: Adjust your LinkedIn settings to ensure that your network is not notified every time you make a change. Also, be mindful of the timing when updating your profile to avoid suspicion.
Create a new business card: Create a digital or physical personal business card that doesn’t include your current job title and employer’s name so you can discreetly network with others.
Distribute your resume with care: Share your resume selectively and directly with trusted connections, and avoid posting it on public job boards where your current employer might see it.
“Before you start updating your resume and applying for jobs, consider what you’ve liked and disliked about your previous roles so that you enter this new job search with a clear set of goals,” advises Augustine. “This deliberate approach will increase your chances of finding a job match made in heaven.”
On an ongoing basis, the data science team at Talent Inc., the global leader in technology-enabled career services and also the parent company of ZipJob, TopResume, TopInterview, TopCV,, and, compiles nationwide data from their customers to better understand current behavioral trends in the job market. ZipJobs' Career Advice blog showcases their latest tips for coaching job seekers through their search.
Between October 9 and October 10, 2023, ZipJob surveyed 350 U.S. career-driven professionals. The relevant questions asked, responses, and percentage of respondents have been aforementioned.
About ZipJob:
With hundreds of professional resume writers spanning all industries and experience levels, ZipJob makes sure resumes get to the top of the pile. Launched in 2016 and headquartered in New York City, it is one of the leading resume-writing platforms in the world, making the process of having your resume professionally written as easy as possible. They combine expert resume writers with the same technology that employers use, so you can triple your interviews, get hired faster, and maximize your income. Follow ZipJob on their Career Advice blog, as well as on Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
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Lisa Hagendorf | Centerpiece PR: