San Francisco Job Search Tips

Caitlin Proctor headshot
Caitlin Proctor, CPRW

3 min read

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Are you new to San Francisco and looking for work?

San Francisco, California has a reputation for innovation and startups dotting the peninsula by the bay. While the housing market is notoriously one of the most expensive in the USA, the greater Bay Area remains a popular place for professionals and families alike.

If you're moving to SF and looking for a job at the same time, though, you'll need some help. Here are 5 tips and resources from our team of career experts for a smooth job search in San Francisco.

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1. Look for top San Francisco companies in your industry

The most effective way to land a job quickly is to be very specific about what you’re looking for. One way to narrow down your job search is to make a target list of companies you would love to work for. This list will help to focus your attention on researching what those companies are doing and networking with current employees.

There is no shortage of great employers based in San Francisco and the surrounding areas of Oakland, Berkeley, and Emeryville! You’ll want to consider a company’s mission, values, current employees, and possibly their proximity to BART well before you start applying to work there.

2. Find recruiting and headhunting firms in San Francisco

You can't hire a recruiter to get you a new job, but you can work with recruiters to land your next interview.

Start with this related post:

3. Write a great cover letter for your move to San Francisco

It can be a good idea to mention your relocation on a cover letter as part of what makes you a great candidate.

Make sure you tick these boxes:

  • Short and direct

  • Highlights your qualifications (without regurgitating your resume)

  • Demonstrates your value with examples and numbers

  • Tailored--preferably addressed to the hiring manager

  • Employer-focused

Stand out with a cover letter

4. Check local job search sites

In addition to top job search sites, you should look for local job boards to find opportunities in San Francisco. These websites might have job listings that bigger aggregates don't have.

Don't make applying to jobs online your only job search strategy! This brings us to the next tip.

5. Research local San Francisco resume writing services

Moving takes up a lot of time and energy, so it's perfectly fine to hire a professional to do the heavy lifting for you on your resume! Professional resume writers are trained on current best practices, industry keywords, and the effective content you need to land an interview.

Make sure you're collaborating with your resume writer in between packing up your Allbirds and windbreakers. Even the most experienced writers will need to learn more about your experience and qualifications before delivering a final draft!


Looking for a job and moving at the same time is hard work! These tips will help you manage your job search so you can focus on getting settled into a new city.

Are you looking for a job and relocating to California? Share your San Francisco job search tips in the comments!

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Caitlin Proctor headshot

Written by

Caitlin Proctor, CPRW, Certified Professional Résumé Writer

Caitlin joined the ZipJob team in 2019 as a professional resume writer and career advisor. She specializes in strategic advice for executives, career pivots, and remote workers. Read more resume advice from Caitlin on ZipJob’s blog.

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