What is a statement of interest, and how do you write one for your resume?

Use a statement of interest to generate exciting job opportunities!
Suppose you’re interested in an organization that isn’t currently hiring or they aren’t hiring for a position in which you’re interested. In that case, you might choose to submit a statement of interest. A statement of interest is a tool that introduces you and your skills to an organization, and can generate job opportunities as a result.
Read on to learn what a statement of interest is and how to write one to entice employers to call you in for an interview.
What is a statement of interest?
Often referred to as a “letter of inquiry” or “letter of interest,” a statement of interest is a concise one-page letter you send to a hiring manager or internal recruiter expressing your interest in the organization. A statement of interest allows you to seek employment with an organization that isn’t actively hiring for your position of interest.
While a cover letter is tailored to a specific job opportunity you’re applying to, a statement of interest is a generalized letter expressing your interest in working for the organization and inquiring about possible opportunities related to your skill set.
When should you write a statement of interest?
The ideal time to write a statement of interest is when you find a company you’d like to work for, though they aren’t hiring for a position that aligns with your skillset or interests. By writing a statement of interest, you can inquire about potential opportunities that haven’t yet been posted.
Sections to include in a statement of interest
Like any business letter, a statement of interest includes specific sections to relay a compelling message. You’ll, of course, begin the letter with your contact information and a formal salutation addressed to a particular individual and then close with your signature. Now, let’s review the three key sections to include in the body of a statement of interest.
Paragraph 1: introduction about your interest
In the introduction paragraph, you’ll express your admiration for the company and interest in working there. This is the place to connect your values with the core values of the organization.
Paragraph 2: focus on your experience and value you can add
In the second paragraph, include specific examples from your experience highlighting how you can add value to the organization. Include skills and achievements that are most relevant to the company. This is where you can use quantifiable data to highlight previous results.
Paragraph 3: conclusion and next steps
In the conclusion paragraph, encourage the company to reach out to you. You can also express your intent to follow up within a specified timeframe.
How to write a statement of interest
Here are some tips to help you write a statement of interest that provides the outcome you desire.
Research the organization
Research the organization you're interested in to ensure you can align the statement of interest to the company. What is the company’s mission? What are their core values? What opportunities do they offer? What skills and qualities do they value in their employees? What’s their culture like? You can locate this type of information on the company’s website, social media pages, and through online reviews and job boards.
You also want to locate a specific person – a hiring manager, recruiter, or HR contact – to whom you can address and send your letter. LinkedIn or the company’s website is the best place to identify this type of information.
Be succinct
As with any business communication, be as brief and focused as possible. Keep your statement to one page or less, and keep your paragraphs brief – three to five sentences max. The receiver of your letter will appreciate your respect for their time.
Connect your interest to the company’s values
Your first paragraph should connect your interests with the type of work the company does, along with how your values align with theirs. Otherwise, you miss a significant opportunity to connect with the reader and the organization. Show your appreciation for their brand and what they stand for, and align it to your interests and goals.
Focus on your most relevant skills
A statement of interest is not the time to share your entire work history, skills, and abilities. Instead, which of your skills and past experiences align most with what the company seeks? These are what you want to incorporate in your letter.
Specify your intent to follow up
When you respectfully include your intent to follow up with a specific date, the reader will know to watch for your follow-up. You can also choose to be less specific with your follow-up timeframe and encourage the employer to reach out to you for additional information.
Proofread and edit
It should go without saying, but be sure to proofread and edit your letter before sending. If you send over a letter with grammatical errors and typos, it can hurt your chances of getting your foot in the door.
Attach your resume
Where your statement of interest gives a glimpse into your experience, your resume provides additional and more in-depth concrete examples of your work experience and skills and how they can add value to the company. Therefore, be sure to attach your resume to your email with your statement of interest.
Statement of interest examples
Below is an example to use as a template to help you craft your own statement of interest.
General statement of interest example
Rhonda Smithson
HR Manager of Operations
ABC Oil & Gas
4433 Main Stress
Pittsburgh, PA 19019
Marcy Roman
1234 Summer Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 19019
(555) 555-5555
Dear Ms. Smithson,
While searching online for open HR Generalist opportunities, I landed on a press release indicating that ABC Oil & Gas is acquiring three new organizations over the next two to four years to increase their value to the communities they serve through oil and gas production. I respect the ambitions required for success in these significant efforts, and I also admire your organization's core values that put the employee’s well-being first. This approach signifies that people are your most valuable asset and allows for success in your ongoing initiatives. I would love to connect with you to discuss potential opportunities to offer my skills and qualifications to support your team.
I have over 10 years of experience working as an HR Generalist in the energy sector. For 5 of those 10 years, I worked on two significant mergers and acquisitions and one divestiture. I was also the team lead in developing 33 new HR policies and procedures for a new organization that developed due to the divestiture.
I would appreciate the opportunity to set up an informational interview and also speak with you about the value I could bring to your organization. I’ve included my resume and will follow up with you by January 10. I’m also available to answer any questions you might have in the meantime. My contact information is included above.
Marcy Roman
Create your own opportunities
Use the tips and example above to increase your chances of getting your foot in the door at a company you’d love to work for. With a powerful statement of interest, you could land your dream job in no time!
Are you ready to submit your resume with your statement of interest? Why not submit it for a free resume view to confirm it’s as good as it can be?