Stay Motivated During Your Job Search: Essential Tips

Charlotte Grainger
Charlotte Grainger

10 min read

someone behind a laptop looking sad

Don’t give up — your dream job could be just around the corner!

Looking for a new job can be disheartening. Perhaps you’ve sent over a ton of applications, gone to interviews, and then still been passed over. If you are feeling discouraged, you are not alone. We have all been there. However, you need to stay motivated during your job search in order to keep applying. In this guide, we share some tips and advice to help you.  

Why motivation is the key to success

Motivation is the secret to your success when you’re looking for a job. We won’t beat around the bush. It takes time, effort, and energy to land a position. When things get hard – and they will get hard – you need the self-motivation to keep moving forward. 

There will be times when you feel like giving up. That is to be expected. However, you won't land a job if you don’t apply for jobs. It’s as simple as that. 

While this can be a lengthy process, you must find ways to keep yourself on track and continue searching for jobs. 

Reasons you lack job search motivation 

Before we get into the tips, let’s talk about why you may have found yourself lacking motivation. First things first, it’s vital that you go easy on yourself. Finding a new job can be a challenge. It’s only natural that your motivation will peak and wane. Understanding what has caused the problem is the first step in overcoming it. 

Here are some reasons: 

You have been rejected

Applying for jobs is all about putting yourself out there. Spoiler: You will get rejected. The average applicant receives six to 10 rejections before landing a job. Understand that it is a normal part of the process. Searching for a job is all about finding the right fit. 

You’ve been ghosted

When you’ve spent hours applying for your dream job, you want to hear back from the employer. However, that does not always happen. Sometimes, companies receive so many applications that replying to everyone is simply not an option. When this happens to you, try not to take it personally. Instead, look for ways to boost your job search motivation. 

Job seeking is laborious 

One of the major reasons that you may be fatigued is that job-seeking is laborious. You might have heard the phrase that it is a ‘full-time job.’ That means you end up spending a vast amount of time trying to look for a new role. If you are not taking regular breaks and looking after yourself properly, you may struggle to find the job search motivation you need. 

7 tips to boost your job search motivation 

Looking for a way to re-spark your job search motivation? You’ve come to the right place. While you can’t magically make that motivation reappear, there are some strategies you can use. 

If you are feeling down in the dumps, take a look at our seven tips to pick yourself back up. 

1. Get yourself organized

When you’re looking for a job, you may be tempted to throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks. That is not the way to handle this situation. Instead, you need to make sure that you have a job search plan. That way, you won’t waste your precious time. 

Start by deciding what type of roles suit your future career. Applying for everything and anything will leave you feeling burned out. Be selective and only go for positions that suit you. You can make a list of these jobs and then investigate where they tend to be advertised. 

By taking a strategic approach when it comes to your job search, you can avoid over-exerting yourself. When you know where to look for jobs, decide what time of day you will spend applying for them. Set aside time each day, and then make sure that you do it. 

2. Take regular breaks 

Taking a break may seem counterintuitive when you’re looking for a new role. Every moment you’re not pinned to your computer, applying for jobs can feel like a waste. However, as we have covered above, finding a new job is about having a solid strategy in place from the start. 

Allow yourself the time you need to rest and recuperate in between. This approach means that you will refresh your mind and return to this task with a new level of job search motivation. Try to do things that take your mind off looking for a job. 

Here are some examples: 

  • Exercise. Working out can relieve stress and help you increase your mindfulness. Find an activity that works for you, such as yoga, jogging, or hitting the gym. 

  • Socialize. You might feel like locking yourself away at home when you’re job-seeking. However, that is not good for your mental state. Meet up with friends who can uplift you and do something low-cost or (better still) free. 

  • Read a book. Reading gives your mind a break from the toil of looking for new jobs. It is also a handy escape from any stress you may be experiencing. 

  • Cook. If you spend all of your time looking at screens, you will feel overwhelmed. Cooking a hearty meal is a simple way to take some time out and relax. 

Make time for yourself each day. It’s important to let yourself recharge when you need it the most. Add that to your daily schedule now.

3. Use self affirmations 

There will be times when you feel weak. If you have just had a bout of rejections or you are struggling to even find roles that match your career aspirations, don’t panic. It’s easy to get all caught up in the moment and start to get upset. That is the last thing that you want or need. 

To help you overcome this hurdle, why not try using some affirmations? When you are feeling burned out, you can repeat these words to yourself to help you get back in the right headspace. Here are some examples of what we mean to get you started: 

  • I am confident and can find a job that suits me

  • The right job for me is out there – I just need to find it 

  • There are many different ways to measure success

  • I am on a journey to greatness

  • The perfect job comes at the perfect time

You can either repeat these to yourself or write them down somewhere. Use these job search motivation affirmations whenever you need to remind yourself to stay on track. 

4. Seek support from loved ones 

You are not alone. When you are looking for a new job, it can feel as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders. However, it can be helpful to remember that this is simply not the case. Everyone has been in this position at some point in their professional career. 

When you are lacking job search motivation, speak to someone you trust about it. That may be a close friend or a loved one. Tell them how you are feeling and explain why you feel that way. Sometimes, having someone else hear you out can make a world of difference. 

5. Start tracking your achievements

One of the major reasons that people struggle with job search motivation is they feel dejected. Looking for a new job is fraught with knockbacks. For that reason, you might feel your self-worth starts to diminish when you are in the process. If that is the problem, one of the ways that you can handle it is by tracking the achievements you gain along the way. 

Of course, there are plenty of ways to do this. First of all, you need to decide what works best for you. 

Here are two of the options that you can consider: 

  • Writing things down. Get yourself a notebook and write down any achievements you have gained. These can range from small things, like a compliment from an interviewer, to big things, like getting to the final interview stage

  • Make a folder on your computer. You can also make a folder on your computer. Save any nice emails you get or messages from recruiters. Keep a selection of ‘evidence’ that you are a good candidate and reflect on it when necessary.

Figure out which option works for you. The more emphasis you place on your achievements, the more you can start building yourself up again when you need it the most. Of course, you may want to explore other options, such as software, apps, and the like. 

6. Make a career vision board 

Are you losing track of the bigger picture? When you’re in the midst of applying for new jobs, it can feel never-ending. However, you want to make sure that you keep your eyes on the prize. One of the ways that you can do that is to make a career vision board as inspiration. 

On this physical board, you should stick photos, illustrations, and quotes that represent your dream career. Remember, nothing is off-limits here. Consider where you want to get and don’t let anything hold you back. This is a visual tool you can use when you need motivation. 

You can put the vision board in your study or bedroom. When you are searching for new jobs, make sure that it is always in your sight. That way, it will spur you on to keep going. 

7. Revamp your resume and cover letter 

Does your resume and cover letter need some attention? When you have lost your job search motivation, it’s a wise move to go back to the drawing board. Making sure these two vital documents are up to date is a productive move, but it may also give you a confidence boost. 

When you are writing these materials, you will be reminded of the skills and expertise you have. That is a powerful realization. You may find it makes you feel more motivated. 

How to deal with job search disappointment 

How do you deal with disappointment in a job search? You won’t get every job that you go for. That’s a given. However, it’s how you manage to bounce back from this disappointment that matters. Let’s take a look at some tips that will help you get over that hurdle. 

  • Try not to take it personally. While job rejections may feel personal, they are not. You have no idea what criteria the hiring manager was using or what clinched the decision.

  • Allow yourself to be upset. It’s perfectly okay to be upset when you get rejected. It can sting. Allow yourself some time and space to grieve that potential opportunity. 

  • Ask for constructive feedback. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Make the best of the situation by asking for some feedback that you can use in the future. 

Getting over that initial disappointment will help you find your job search motivation. Try not to dwell on what could have been and focus on the future and your upcoming prospects. 

When the going gets tough, get tougher 

Finding that all-important job search motivation can be tough at the best of times. When you are finding it hard, use our expert-backed tips to help you out. 

Know that you will find a job eventually and that you simply have to keep going when it feels difficult. Aim to put yourself in the best possible position – professionally and mentally – to take the future by storm.

Let ZipJob’s team of professional resume writers help you. Use our free tool to see how your resume looks to an expert and an ATS scan. Get ahead of the competition now.

Recommended reading: 

Charlotte Grainger

Written by

Charlotte Grainger, Editor & Content Writer, Charlotte Grainger, Editor & Content Writer

Charlotte Grainger is a freelance writer living and working in Sheffield, UK. She has a passion for career development and loves sharing tips and advice. Follow her on Twitter

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