5 Communication Styles for Workplace Success

How much do you know about the five main communication styles?
Everyone has their own unique way of communicating with other people in the workplace. These different styles of communication play an important role in determining how people interact with one another, share their ideas, and resolve potential conflicts or disagreements. To successfully manage those interpersonal relationships, it’s important to know how to identify the different communication styles you’re likely to encounter throughout your career.
In this guide, we will explore five distinct communication styles in the workplace and explain how you can recognize them in others or yourself. We’ll also offer our take on which of these five styles of communication offers the most benefits for any workplace environment.
Why is it important to understand communication styles?
While everyone’s natural communication tendencies are a result of factors such as background, upbringing, self-esteem, and ego, knowing and understanding the different communication styles can help each individual to take control of their style and become more effective communicators. In addition, being able to recognize other people’s communication styles can help you to communicate with them more effectively.
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What are the 5 styles of communication?
Let’s take a look at the five main communication styles: assertive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and manipulative.
1. Assertive communication style
Assertive communication means expressing ideas, needs, and feelings in a confident, open, and positive manner. Assertive communication is a style that involves speaking up without hesitation – but without being pushy, defensive, or overbearing.
Assertive communicators readily take on challenges but are also able to say “no” when they must. They make choices and take responsibility for them, asking directly what needs are to be met. They express their thoughts with ‘I’ statements and accept that there’s a possibility of disagreement. This style involves maintaining good eye contact, relying on consistent and confident body language, and using a medium vocal pitch, pace, and volume.
The assertive communication style helps to bolster healthy relationships and resolve interpersonal conflicts. People on the receiving end of this communication style are clear about expectations being set and tend to feel empowered to speak up as well. When you use the assertive communication style, you feel good about yourself and leave others feeling heard.
“Thanks for thinking of me, but I'm going to say no this time”
“Unfortunately, I can't take on any more tasks at the moment”
“I respect your opinion, but let's agree to disagree”
The best way to deal with an assertive communicator is to mirror their communication style. Be direct, transparent, and fully engaged. If you can do that, you’ll usually find that the interaction produces positive results for everyone involved!
2. Aggressive communication style
One of the most difficult communication styles to work with, the aggressive communicator is focused on winning every conversation, even at someone else’s expense. They tend to feel like their needs are more pressing than everyone else’s and that their rights supersede those of others since they often believe that their contributions are more significant.
In its extreme, aggressive communication can escalate to a loud, demanding, and even hostile interaction. It includes intense eye contact and large, sharp, and even wild gestures. Often, the person’s tone is aimed at intimidating, blaming, bullying, criticizing, or attacking others.
But even with lower volumes and less threatening gestures, the undercurrent of aggressive communication is about confrontation, the denigration of other perspectives, or simply winning an argument. Aggressive communicators often issue commands, ask questions rudely, and fail to listen. Sometimes, they’re mistakenly placed in leadership positions because they appear to be decisive.
The problem is that it’s not an effective communication style. The listener will be more focused on how a message is delivered rather than the message itself. Initially, other team members might give in to avoid confrontation, which will lead to resentment and dysfunction down the road. Or the person on the receiving end will become uncooperative, defensive, humiliated, and will lose respect for the aggressive person. Ultimately, it leads to unhealthy relationships and conflict.
“I’m right, and you’re wrong. It’s that simple”
“This is what’s going to happen”
“It’s all your fault; I don’t care what anyone says”
When you’re dealing with an aggressive communicator, it’s important to avoid mirroring their aggression. Instead, adopt an assertive communication style that allows you to keep the interaction as positive as possible.
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3. Passive communication style
Passive communicators strive to avoid conflict at any cost. They look to please others and submit to the will of the group – or the loudest person in the group – simply to avoid confrontation. They will also put the needs of others before their own because they feel, on some level, that others' needs are more important than theirs.
Passive communicators often act indifferent and display a lack of eye contact, poor body posture, and an inability to say “no.” Ultimately this means that they fail to express their own needs. They take on a relational posture that says, “people never consider my feelings.” Subconsciously, they will feel like a victim, which leads to pent-up resentment. They also find it hard to take responsibility or make decisions.
Frequently, a passive communicator’s lack of outward communication can lead to misunderstandings. Those on the receiving end of passive communication will feel guilty and frustrated. They may even feel like they’re taking advantage of the other’s passiveness – and again, resentment can build.
“It really doesn’t matter that much to me”
“I don’t care either way”
“I guess I’ll do it if no one else will”
If you find yourself dealing with someone who uses the passive communication style, avoid the temptation to run roughshod over them. Instead, use your assertive communication style to provide them with a safe opportunity to express their ideas and feelings. Be sure to actively engage them to draw them out of their shell. That can build trust and help you form a productive relationship with even the most passive of individuals.
Related reading: Working Style: What Types are There and How do You Find Yours?
4. Passive-Aggressive communication style
Passive-aggressive communication is being passive on the surface but actually acting out aggression, indirectly or secretly. It’s an indirect expression of negative feelings. With passive-aggressive communication, there's a disconnect between what a person says and what they are feeling or doing.
People drawn to this style feel powerless or stuck and are usually resentful. They look to express their feelings through the subtle undermining of the person they resent. Passive-aggressive communicators are aware of their needs but struggle to voice them.
In its extreme, it can mean gossiping, spreading poisonous rumors, and even sabotage – all while being artificially pleasant on the surface. But in its more subtle form, passive-aggressive communication can mean sulking, complaining, muttering, giving back-handed compliments, the silent treatment, or appearing indifferent while barely concealing displeasure.
This communication form is unproductive in every setting, but in a business, it can be especially frustrating. A common action of a passive-aggressive communicator is publicly agreeing with a plan of action, while body language or tone of voice make disagreement clear. This can make it impossible to effectively run a team. People on the receiving end of this behavior will feel hurt and frustrated. Eventually, they may be unwilling to work with the passive-aggressor.
“That’s fine with me, but don’t be surprised if the boss hates it”
“I guess we can do things your way if we have to”
“I don’t see why, but whatever you say – it’s not like my opinion matters anyway”
If you’re an assertive communicator, your style of interaction can be a powerful counterpoint to a passive-aggressive personality. Make sure that you highlight their important role in a non-patronizing way while encouraging them to voice their real opinions.
5. Manipulative communication style
Manipulative communication is aimed at scheming, calculating, and influencing to gain a personal advantage in any given situation. Those who use this style are skilled at manipulating others for their own gains. There's usually an underlying motive when they speak. They don’t ask directly for what they need, rather they guilt others into supporting their agenda.
In its extreme, manipulators can even use fake tears or fake joy to make situations appear even more real. They use a voice that is ingratiating, sad, or patronizing. But its subtle form includes small expressions that elicit guilt or encourage others to take on tasks that they simply don’t wish to do themselves.
Manipulation might seem like an effective style to get your way, but it comes at a price. People who do this clearly don’t respect others and that lack of respect will eventually be obvious.
Those who have been manipulated into helping them will develop resentment, leading to a dysfunctional working relationship. It’s also hard to know where manipulative communicators truly stand, making it impossible to work with them.
“You misunderstood what I said”
“It wasn't my idea; it was yours”
“You’d do it if you value your career”
Manipulators tend to play games with others’ emotions, so you’ll need to avoid emotional reactions when you’re dealing with this type of communication style. Stick to the facts, stand your ground, and don’t allow them to sidestep the current topic of discussion. By assertively demonstrating that you can’t be manipulated, you’ll encourage them to abandon that tactic – at least when they’re dealing with you!
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What’s the best communication style in the workplace?
Since it’s generally considered to be the most effective form of communication, the assertive communication style tends to be ideal for the workplace. Assertive communicators aim for both sides to win, balancing their needs with the needs of others.
Assertive communication reflects and promotes high self-esteem and creates healthy working relationships. It facilitates the communication of needs and goals without manipulation or aggression.
If your goal is to be a more effective communicator, work on developing an assertive communication style. Learn to share your ideas, thoughts, and needs clearly, openly, and respectfully. Employees who command assertive communication styles are often placed in leadership roles, as they are quickly recognized as assets to a team.
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Improve your knowledge of communication styles to boost your career success
Being able to recognize and interact with these different communication styles can improve your ability to engage almost any type of client, manager, or colleague. When you learn to understand your own style of communication, you can work to smooth out any rough edges and ensure that you have the effective communication skills needed to meet your career goals.
Does your resume effectively convey your communication style? Why not get a free resume review from our team of ZipJob experts today?
This article was originally written by Robert Lyon. It has been updated by Ken Chase.